
Chapter Chapter Eighty-Five

I stood in front of the whole army and they were waiting for me to say a few words.

“With faith, trust and loyalty.” Those words my grandmother had said earlier this day, were roaming through my mind.

I cleared my throat and watched how everyone was looking at me. Those scared and confused eyes, hoping for some words of solace, were burning right through me. I’ve never felt any anxiety while talking to my people, as I never had felt any insecurity about being able to win a battle.

But the battle that was soon to begin, was somewhat instilling some fear within me. I hate it that I don’t know everything about the attacking party. I hate it that Radu is keeping something from me, something that could kill us all.

We have prepared ourselves to the limit of our capability, we have trained ourselves, created gear to protect us, have the tactical advantage as we have a mix of wolves and the knowledge about our enemy’s skills, so now is not the time to linger on fear!

“Faith. Trust. Loyalty.” I whispered softly, before lifting my head and looking at all the wolves in front of me.

“I do not know, how many will get killed! I do not know, if this day will be our last!” I started and people gasped and looked at me with confused faces, all the while Frida translated the words I said into the cold language.

“But, what did we do, when we got attacked the first time when I had started this pack?” I asked them and waiting for a few seconds. “We killed the Alpha and anyone that stood against us!” I continued.

“And what did we do, when we got attacked by the next Alpha and the three Alpha’s after that? We killed them and also anyone that stood against us!” I yelled and now people were smiling and nodding slightly.

“And then who provided new jobs for you, or took care of your financial problems, when your former Alphas had failed to do so?” I asked them.

They hesitated for a moment, not daring to speak out loud, until one man did.

“You did, my Queen!” someone from the back yelled and people nodded and yelled approvingly.

“No! You are wrong!” I said and confusion rose again, making Dakota roll her eyes in my mind.

“Yes, I presented you with the opportunity, but you are the ones that took the jobs wholeheartedly, who worked their asses off to get back into a better financial situation and who made sure to help building the new pack house in the north! All I did was direct you, and help you, but without you, I wouldn’t have the need to! Without you, I wouldn’t have a purpose to live on, to use my money on, to train and care for. Without you, I wouldn’t be a Queen of six packs and a soon to be Queen of the northern continent!” I yelled and stopped for a moment.

I could see plenty of proud faces, knowing that what I said was true. I really didn’t work for them, on their jobs, they did! They managed to get money on the table and to figure out a better way to live properly. All I did was giving them the opportunity, but they were the ones to take it and do something with it.

“So, I would like to thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, that you have managed to find a way to believe me, to trust me and to be loyal to me.” I said softy and lowered myself on my knee and bowed my head.

Gasps were heard, and even from the corner of my eye, I could see that Aron was looking strangely towards me as well. It was unheard of an Alpha, let alone a Queen, to bow her head or even better yet, to kneel in front of her own pack!

Some warriors stepped forward and told me to stand up again, they pushed me from my knee and lifted me up on my feet.

They didn’t want to see that their Queen was kneeling and bowing to her subordinates!

“My Queen! Don’t do that again!” They pleaded with me.

“I will, and I will command you to stand back if you lift me up again.” I said with plenty of Alpha command.

They all got scared for a moment and ran back to their former places in line.

“I didn’t want to scare you. I just want to make clear that my function as your Alpha, isn’t the highest place in hierarchy. Because without you, an Alpha isn’t needed. The most important role within the pack, is that of the children who can play and go to school, of the women who chose to have children, of the warriors that keep this pack safe and all of the other jobs that make this pack a whole.” I said.

I looked at Aron and he nodded, before reaching out a hand to me.

“Your Queen is right! We only supply the need of opportunity, and you do all the hard work! And also, my pack may not have endured what your pack has, but what she said also applies to my own warriors!” Aron said to them and he tugged my hand down with him, as he knelt on his knee and bowed his head as well. I followed his gesture and now we had done it.

Not only one Alpha was on its knees, but two!

After a moment we stood up again and looked at the happy faces that gleamed with pride in front of us now.

Suddenly, loud howls and appreciative comments were heard and soon our whole army was in disarray.

I smiled to Aron and said to him to yell through the pack link to shut them up, and he chuckled.

Daniel was standing next to me and his warriors, that stood at the side, looked with pride towards me as well.

It was never meant for me to be their Queen, but seeing them standing at the side, not responding to what I had said to my army, as it wasn’t meant for them, it was still a bit saddening.

“Daniel, you are a great King as well. Don’t worry, I won’t take them from you.” I smiled and nudged his shoulders.

“Yeah, only over my dead body.” He said and smiled.

“That can be arranged.” I smiled back at him, but then turned to my pack’s link and shouted for my army to be quiet, just as Aron just did to his.

“If you could all shut up now, and get focused on the task at hand, I’d be really fucking happy!” I yelled out loud and most of them smiled and laughed at me, as I returned to be the cold hearted bitch again.

Daniel said some words towards his warriors as well, which of course wasn’t as good as my own speech, but still was encouraging enough to make them howl in pride.

I nodded at everyone that stood around me, and when I turned around, I could see a line of Nightstalkers walking out of the forest’s treeline.

They didn’t say a word, but just started to flash and run towards us.

“Are you finally ready for this to start now?” Dakota whined.

“Yes, let’s do this, shall we?”

A/n: Sitting at the edge of your seat? Please stay there, until tomorrow!💛

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