
Chapter Chapter Ninety-One

A/n: Here a little pre-christmas gift from me to you! A second chapter today. 💛🎅

Almost like a déjà vu, we stood there, same position, same time, same people. Well, almost all of the same people.

Because, as we didn’t have to hide her anymore, my grandmother stood next to me on my left, and the others stood in line as well. Dimitri had command over tactical support as he couldn’t fight with his hands and of course we were missing out on plenty of wolves, as they had been killed last night.

And... Also my sister Amy. I don't know where the hell she is right now, but I haven't been able to spot her all day. She better come up with one hell of an explanation, once this is all over!

I didn't want to get all worked up over her right now, so I took a few deep breaths and walked over towards Radu, together with Aron and my grandmother.

“So, I’m speaking to the real Radu this time?” I asked.

“Yes, little white, this time it is me.” He replied, while standing in front of me, all perfectly healed.

My mother was hanging around his shoulders, like a love struck bunny, and I almost gagged from seeing her doing this.

“Don’t think like that, my daughter, as if you were never in love!” She scolded me for my thoughts.

“Nope, I haven’t. But I couldn’t be bothered to tell you my story. You’re not my mother.” I said coldly.

My heart stung for a moment, as I said that, and I looked to my right for a moment. Aron hadn’t flinched when I said those words about never having found love, and I was happy for that on one side, but seeing him standing there so strong, it made me unhappy as well. Wasn’t he angry that I said that I have never been in love? Not now even?

I shook the thought off and focused on the task at hand.

“But, now that you have your prize, why are you still here?” I again asked Radu.

“Don’t you want to kill me then?” He asked me, turning around my question.

“Answer me Radu.”

“Because I still need another pack’s worth of blood to provide me and my army with. You left me, remember? And the deal was that I would come back and take your pack. Just as you agreed to it yourself.” He said.

“True, but don’t think I will grant you them willingly.”

“Never did, little white. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I got another lovely Lycan to take care off.” He said while lustfully looking towards Sigrid.

He grabbed her ass, and turned them both around. He nearly wanted to flash away until I interrupted him.

“Did you know?” I asked him.

He stopped in his movement and looked back at me.

I really wanted to see it in his eyes, if this situation has really worked out the way he had planned it.

“About what?”

“Of her becoming yours? I mean, she isn’t my mother anymore.” I clarified myself.

He was hesitating for a moment, to answer my question, and for a moment I thought to see some regret in what he had done. He has managed to change my mother, into this careless creature that isn’t a graceful, strong and a determined female Lycan anymore. Not strong in muscles, as she still is that, but strong in her own free will and love towards me.

There was nothing of love left in a single cell of her body, and that shown through, through the gleaming red eyes that she constantly has now.

She is clinging to him, as if they were one, as if they couldn’t let go of each other anymore. If he wants this, a mindless slave, then what did he ever want from me? I’m no willing little teenager who practically begs to be taken and overruled, like she does to him right now.

“No, to be truthful. But it doesn’t matter. I get the next best thing, and I will kill everyone from your pack. I will be victorious.” He said and flashed away.

My grandmother’s breathing hitched and I saw a tear rolling over her face. I grabbed her hand and pulled her to me.

“It’s not her. Not anymore.” I said to her, while hugging her.

“I know, my dear, but it still hurts me that he is defiling her body right now.” She replied.

“Come on, you have lived for over thousands of years. Focus on the anger you have for him and let’s get this over with. Shall we?”

“Good idea.”

We walked back to the frontline of our army and I only had to look at them. It was no longer necessary to uplift their minds with some determined words.

“ALL READY?” I simply yelled.

“YES MY QUEEN!” They shouted in unison and I smiled.

“How many times do I have to ask you, if you are ready?” Dakota chuckled.

“Just one more time.”

“No, I refuse. Just get on with it.” She sneered, and I chuckled.

And just like last night, scouts came out of the forest’s treeline first, followed by assassins. Of course the lousy coward was still busy. As I could hear the moans from Sigrid in the distance.

I shut those sounds out, and told my grandmother to do the same. She wiped away the tears with the back of her hand, and took a strong pose, and when those fuckers were close, she was the first to lunge onto them. She went even before I had called the command to turn on the lights, that now stood behind us, instead of on the sides of the battle field.

Simmering, burning skin filled the air once more, but because they couldn’t reach for the lights this easily, this time, they just had to endure the pain. The scouts were more determined right now, it seems, as they just kept on flashing towards us.

Maybe because Radu was now in close range, that they were more certain of themselves than they were yesterday.

We fought them head on, and the battle was in full blow within seconds.

Every able body was doing their best to mangle, rip, tear and kill those bastards, and I couldn’t be more proud. This was either going to be their last night, or the first of many to come. Either way, every single wolf that stood by my side, fighting for their lives, were the bravest wolves that I have ever seen.

For a while we stood our ground, and we kept on going as if we didn’t falter in our energy. But I could tell that we did.

Slowly but certainly, we were losing ground.

“Aron?” I linked him.

“Yes, I know. Give Terrence the signal.”

“Terrence, you’ve had an extra day. Please tell me you are ready, for that machine of yours.” I said to him.

“Almost, keep them busy, for a little while longer!” He replied.

What is he thinking? That I’m being here for fun? Keep them busy he said! Sure, let’s just pop up another can of ‘stalling time’. I thought sarcastically.

“Line up! Arrow formation!” I shouted through the pack link.

I could only use this action once, as the element of surprise was needed for this to work.

Howls were heard, and behind me came two wolves, behind them stood four wolves, then six, eight and ten.

In my full Lycan mode, and already using Dakota’s eyes, I mustered up some more energy and howled to the moon. We broke through their line of defence as we surged forward and dragged plenty of scouts and assassins with us. It wasn’t our true intention to kill them, unless it was easy during this run, but it was meant to discourage and distract them to get their focus on us.

I did kill a few, and managed to badly hurt a few others as they thought they could stop me in my rage. Some of them I threw up in the air, for the wolves behind me to catch and to mangle.

“Just a little further!” Aron linked me.

His task was going to be to push the frontline forward, to gain more ground for us to fight, all the while those mindless scum’s focus was on us.

“Come back now!” He said, and I guided my squad to the left.

We ran up the mountain slope, towards the entrance of my cave and I looked backwards to see that we had taken back several yards.

“Good job, my King.” I linked to him proudly, as I looked down to the battlefield.

A loud howl was heard and I smiled for a moment.

He is strong, determined, smart and he has an amazing body! He is the best man that I could ever wish for.

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